Monday, June 18, 2012

Apartment Gardens

I've been thinking a lot lately about how to bring some more of the outdoors inside, despite the constraints of my apartment. At the moment, there's one healthy (though possibly lonely) houseplant on the coffee table.  It's lush, in a green-glazed pot, but otherwise pretty non-descript.

For several years, I've had a crush on kumquat trees. There's something so whimsical and fresh about an indoor citrus tree, whether kept in a trim topiary style or as a fuller shrub.

Lovely potted kumquat tree.

The variety of possibilities for apartment-friendly container gardening is also inspirational. Tiny pots, bottles, and cans make plants mobile, enabling maximum access to suitable light and temperature conditions.

Herb garden in tea cans.
Vertical pallet garden via Apartment Therapy.
Plastic bottle planters.
Herbs and vegetables grown in a shoe organizer via Apartment Therapy.
Tiny window sill garden.

DIY Ikea planter re-do.
I have my eye on the weathered tea cans. Mismatched thrifted tea cups, kettles, or pitchers would also be sweet.  And the vertical planters could do nicely on an indoor wall or the narrowest of balconies.

Which of these ideas would work best for your space? What do you do to bring a bit of the outdoors into your home?


  1. I like to put succulents in big seashells. They are happiest in shallow containers.

  2. What a wonderful idea. And a way to add another dimension of nature to the home! Thank you.
