Monday, September 23, 2013

We're back!

Rowhouses next to Mt. Zion Church, Georgetown, D.C., by Mary Belcher.

That's the royal "we", I suppose.  In other words, I'm back.  In the last year plus, I've experienced some pretty big milestones. (Finishing law school! Taking - and hopefully passing - the bar exam!  Most recently, a "big" birthday. :)  Now, the time feels right to return to this space and share my thoughts with you. 

For the near term, I'll focus on the blog, and my Etsy business will take a back seat.  I'll leave the sidebar link up, though the store will be closed.  (Feel free to browse through photos of past work on my facebook page.)  If you have special requests for handmade jewelry pieces, then please contact me, and we'll see what we can do.  :)

You can also follow me on Twitter and Pinterest.  If I succumb to the loving encouragement of my friends, I also may dip my toes into the world of Instagram.  If (when?) that happens, you will be the first to know.

Also, I'd love your feedback on the content that you'd like to see here.

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